Source code for predtuner.approxapp

import abc
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from opentuner.measurement.interface import MeasurementInterface
from import ConfigurationManipulator, EnumParameter

from ._logging import PathLike, override_opentuner_config
from ._pareto import is_pareto_efficient

msg_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
KnobsT = Dict[str, str]
TunerConfigT = Dict[int, int]

[docs]class ApproxKnob: r"""Basic definition of an approximation knob. An approximation knob is an instance of a type of approximation; for example, Perforated Convolution is a type of approximation, while row-perforated convolution with stride 2 is a knob. :param name: The name of this approximation knob. Must be unique throughout. :param devices: The devices this knob can be applied on. Default is `None` which means all devices are supported. """ def __init__( self, name: str, devices: List[str] = None, baseline_priority: int = None ): = name self.devices = None if devices is None else set(devices) self.baseline_priority = baseline_priority
[docs] def exists_on_device(self, device: str) -> bool: """Returns True if this knob can be applied to an `ApproxApp` on device `device`. :param device: The device to check for. """ if self.devices is None: return True return device in self.devices
def __repr__(self): device_str = "" if self.devices is None else str(list(self.devices)) return f"Knob({}){device_str}" @classmethod def unique_baseline(cls, knobs: Iterable["ApproxKnob"]) -> "ApproxKnob": baselines = set(k for k in knobs if k.baseline_priority is not None) if baselines: sorted_bases = sorted( baselines, key=lambda b: b.baseline_priority, reverse=True ) return sorted_bases[0] else: return cls("__baseline__")
[docs]class ApproxApp(abc.ABC): """Generic approximable application with operator & knob enumeration, and measures its own QoS and cost given a configuration. (A configuration is a dictionary from operator name to a knob name.) To use this class, inherit from it and implement `name` and `measure_qos_cost`. :param op_knobs: a mapping from each operator (identified by str) to a list of applicable knobs. :type op_knobs: Dict[str, List[ApproxKnob]] :param target_device: the target device that this application should be tuned on. Each knob has a number of devices it is supported on (see `ApproxKnob.exists_on_device`) and only knobs supported on `target_device` will be used for this application. :type target_device: Optional[str] :var baseline_knob: The baseline knob of this application. This is derived by looking at all knobs defined in `op_knobs` and deciding which is the baseline. """ def __init__( self, op_knobs: Dict[str, List[ApproxKnob]], target_device: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__() self.op_knobs = op_knobs if target_device: self.op_knobs = self._filter_knob_by_device(self.op_knobs, target_device) # Also modifies self.op_knobs in place. self.baseline_knob = self._check_get_baseline_knob_(self.op_knobs) @property def ops(self) -> List[str]: """A list of operators in this application. :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self.op_knobs) @property def knobs(self) -> List[ApproxKnob]: """A list of all unique knobs (see `ApproxKnob`) applicable to operators in this application. :rtype: List[ApproxKnob] """ knob_sets = [set(knobs) for knobs in self.op_knobs.values()] return list(set.union(*knob_sets))
[docs] def get_tuner(self) -> "ApproxTuner": """Sets up an ApproxTuner instance which the user can directly call `tune()` on with opentuner parameters.""" return ApproxTuner(self)
@property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """The name of this application. Acts as an identifier in many places, so the user should try to make it unique. :rtype: str """ return ""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def measure_qos_cost( self, with_approxes: KnobsT, is_test: bool ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Measures the QoS and cost (time, energy, ...) of a given configuration. :param with_approxes: The approximation configuration to measure QoS and cost for. :param is_test: If True, uses a "test" dataset/mode that is held away from the tuner during tuning; otherwise use "tune" dataset. How the "tune" and "test" mode behave is up to the user to define. """ pass
[docs] def add_baseline_to_knobs(self, approxes: KnobsT) -> KnobsT: """For each operator not appearing in the keys of configuration `approxes` (a dictionary), map it to the baseline (see `ApproxApp.baseline_knob`). `measure_qos_cost` should call this on the incoming config if you wish to be able to abbreviate the configuration (for example, you can write `measure_qos_cost({})` to get the baseline QoS). This ensures all operators are present when the config is sent to tuner. :param approxes: the config to add baseline knobs to. """ return { op_name: approxes.get(op_name, for op_name in self.ops }
@staticmethod def _check_get_baseline_knob_( op_knobs: Dict[str, List[ApproxKnob]] ) -> "ApproxKnob": # Modifies op_knobs inplace. # Find the baseline knob if the user has one, or get a default one knob_sets = [set(knobs) for knobs in op_knobs.values()] knobs = list(set.union(*knob_sets)) baseline_knob = ApproxKnob.unique_baseline(knobs) # Start checking if each layer has the baseline knob for knobs in op_knobs.values(): if baseline_knob not in set(knobs): knobs.append(baseline_knob) return baseline_knob @staticmethod def _filter_knob_by_device(op_knobs: Dict[str, List[ApproxKnob]], device: str): return { op: [knob for knob in knobs if knob.exists_on_device(device)] for op, knobs in op_knobs.items() }
[docs]class Config: """An approximation configuration with its measurement results, including QoS and cost. :param qos: The QoS of this config (measured on tuning mode, see `ApproxApp.measure_qos_cost`). :param cost: The *relative* cost (time, energy, etc.) of this config compared to the baseline config. This is essentially :math:`1 / speedup`. :param knobs: The op-knob mapping in this configuration. :param test_qos: The QoS of this config on test mode (see `ApproxApp.measure_qos_cost`). This is optional as it is filled in only after the config-testing phase (which can be opt out of). See `ApproxTuner.tune`. """ def __init__( self, qos: float, cost: float, knobs: KnobsT, test_qos: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: self.qos = qos self.cost = cost self.knobs = dict(sorted(knobs.items())) self.test_qos: Optional[float] = test_qos @property def speedup(self): return 1 / self.cost
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Config) # ApproxTuner is generic over the type of the config # So that the user can use custom Config inherited from Config # (in which case they need to override `get_all_configs_from_db`).
[docs]class ApproxTuner(Generic[T]): """Supports tuning and holds all tuning results. `ApproxTuner.tune` is the main method for tuning. An instance of `ApproxTuner` can be obtained from `ApproxApp.get_tuner`. :param app: the application to tune. """ def __init__(self, app: ApproxApp) -> None: = app self._tuned = False self.all_configs = [] self.kept_configs = [] self.best_configs_prefilter = [] self.best_configs = [] # The following will be filled after self.tune() is called self.baseline_tune_qos, self.baseline_test_qos = None, None self.tune_keep_threshold, self.test_keep_threshold = None, None @property def tuned(self) -> bool: """Returns True if `tune` has been called at least once.""" return self._tuned
[docs] def tune( self, max_iter: int, qos_tuner_threshold: float, qos_keep_threshold: Optional[float] = None, is_threshold_relative: bool = False, take_best_n: Optional[int] = None, test_configs: bool = True, app_kwargs: dict = None # TODO: more parameters + opentuner param forwarding ) -> List[T]: """Runs a tuning session. :param max_iter: Number of iterations to use in tuning. :param qos_tuner_threshold: The QoS threshold that the tuner should aim for. QoS is assumed to be a higher-better quantity. This should be slightly tighter than `qos_keep_threshold` to account for extra error when running on test dataset. :param qos_keep_threshold: The QoS threshold beyond which we will keep the configuration. By default it is equal to `qos_keep_threshold`. :param is_threshold_relative: If True, the actual thresholds are considered to be ``baseline_qos - given_threshold``. This applies to `qos_tuner_threshold` and `qos_keep_threshold`. :param take_best_n: Take the best :math:`n` configurations after tuning. "Best" is defined as the configurations closest to the pareto curve of the QoS-cost tradeoff space. If `take_best_n` is None, only the configurations strictly on the pareto curve are taken. :param test_configs: If True, runs the configs on the test dataset, filter the taken configs by `qos_keep_threshold`, and fill the `test_qos` field of `Config`. :param app_kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to `ApproxApp.measure_qos_cost` during tuning. """ from opentuner.tuningrunmain import TuningRunMain from ._dbloader import read_opentuner_db n_ops, n_knobs = len(, len( "Started tuning app %s with %d ops and %d unique knob types",, n_ops, n_knobs, )"Knobs: %s","Baseline knob: %s","At most %d iterations", max_iter) opentuner_args = opentuner_default_args() tuner = self._get_tuner_interface( opentuner_args, max_iter, qos_tuner_threshold, qos_keep_threshold, is_threshold_relative, app_kwargs or {}, ) assert self.tune_keep_threshold is not None trm = TuningRunMain(tuner, opentuner_args) # TuningRunMain.__init__ initializes its own logger, so we'll override it and use ours override_opentuner_config() "Estimated size of search space: %d", trm.manipulator.search_space_size() ) # A little bit of hack to get the _real_ progress when duplicated configs exist tuner.set_progress_getter(lambda: trm.search_driver.test_count) # This is where opentuner runs trm.main() # Parse and store results self._tuned = True config_ty = self._get_config_class() self.all_configs = [ config_ty(result.accuracy, result.time, for result, configuration in read_opentuner_db(opentuner_args.database) ] self.kept_configs = [ cfg for cfg in self.all_configs if cfg.qos > self.tune_keep_threshold ] self.best_configs_prefilter = self._take_best_configs( self.kept_configs, take_best_n ) "Tuning finished with %d configs in total, " "%d configs above keeping threshold, " "and %d configs selected on tradeoff curve", len(self.all_configs), len(self.kept_configs), len(self.best_configs_prefilter), ) if test_configs:"Running configurations on test inputs") # Also fills in the test QoS of self.best_configs_prefilter self.best_configs = self._test_configs_(self.best_configs_prefilter) else: self.best_configs = self.best_configs_prefilter return self.best_configs
[docs] def dump_configs(self, filepath: PathLike, best_only: bool = True): """Writes configuration to a JSON file. :param filepath: The JSON file to write into. :param best_only: If True, only writes the "best" configuration (filtered after running on test dataset, if required). Otherwise, writes all configurations within the given QoS threshold. """ import os from jsonpickle import encode if not self.tuned: raise RuntimeError( f"No tuning session has been run; call self.tune() first." ) filepath = Path(filepath) os.makedirs(filepath.parent, exist_ok=True) confs = self.best_configs if best_only else self.kept_configs with"w") as f: f.write(encode(confs, indent=2))
[docs] def plot_configs( self, show_qos_loss: bool = False, connect_best_points: bool = False, ) -> plt.Figure: """Plots 1 or 2 QoS-vs-speedup scatter plot of configurations. All kept configurations and all "best" configurations (before test-set filtering if any) are always plotted in the first subplot. If test-set filtering was used, the second subplot contains the "best" configurations plotted twice, with tune-set and test-set QoS loss respectively. :param show_qos_loss: If True, uses the loss of QoS (compared to the baseline) instead of the absolute QoS in the first graph. *This does not apply to the second graph* if it exists, which always use QoS loss for ease of comparison. """ if not self.tuned: raise RuntimeError( f"No tuning session has been run; call self.tune() first." ) # Without `ax` argument, this function returns if we can # do the second plot or not. dot_format = "-o" if connect_best_points else "o" if self.plot_test_phase(): fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300) self.plot_kept_and_best(ax0, show_qos_loss) self.plot_test_phase(ax1, dot_format) else: fig, ax0 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6), dpi=300) self.plot_kept_and_best(ax0, show_qos_loss) fig.tight_layout() return fig
def plot_kept_and_best(self, ax: plt.Axes, show_qos_loss: bool): kept_confs = self._config_qos_speedups( self.kept_configs, "qos", show_qos_loss, False ) best_confs = self._config_qos_speedups( self.best_configs_prefilter, "qos", show_qos_loss, False ) ax.plot(kept_confs[0], kept_confs[1], "o", label="Kept Configs") ax.plot(best_confs[0], best_confs[1], "o", label="Best Configs") self._set_xy_limit(ax, show_qos_loss) if show_qos_loss: rthres = self.baseline_tune_qos - self.tune_keep_threshold self._draw_qos_line(ax, rthres, f"Relative threshold: {rthres:.2f}") ax.set_xlabel("QoS Loss (tune dataset)") else: bqos, thres = self.baseline_tune_qos, self.tune_keep_threshold self._draw_qos_line(ax, bqos, f"Baseline QoS: {bqos:.2f}") self._draw_qos_line(ax, thres, f"Threshold: {thres:.2f}") ax.set_xlabel("QoS (tune dataset)") ax.set_ylabel("Speedup (x)") ax.legend() def plot_test_phase( self, ax: plt.Axes = None, dot_format: str = "o", _tune_key: str = "qos" ): configs = self.best_configs_prefilter tested = [conf.test_qos is not None for conf in configs] can_plot = all(tested) if not ax: return can_plot assert can_plot tune_x, tune_y = self._config_qos_speedups(configs, _tune_key, True, False) test_x, test_y = self._config_qos_speedups(configs, "test_qos", True, True) ax.plot(tune_x, tune_y, dot_format, label="Tune-set QoS") ax.plot(test_x, test_y, dot_format, label="Test-set QoS") self._set_xy_limit(ax) rthres = self.baseline_tune_qos - self.tune_keep_threshold self._draw_qos_line(ax, rthres, f"Relative threshold: {rthres:.2f}") ax.set_xlabel("QoS Loss") ax.set_ylabel("Speedup (x)") ax.legend() def _set_xy_limit(self, ax: plt.Axes, show_qos_loss: bool = True): xmin, ymin = ax.get_xlim() if show_qos_loss: ax.set_xlim(xmin=min(0, xmin)) ax.set_ylim(ymin=min(1, ymin)) def _config_qos_speedups( self, configs: List[Config], qos_attr: str, qos_loss: bool, baseline_is_test: bool, ): def qos_speedup(conf: Config): qos = getattr(conf, qos_attr) bqos = ( self.baseline_test_qos if baseline_is_test else self.baseline_tune_qos ) return bqos - qos if qos_loss else qos, conf.speedup if not configs: return np.zeros((2, 0)) sorted_points = np.array( sorted([qos_speedup(c) for c in configs], key=lambda p: p[0]) ).T return sorted_points @staticmethod def _draw_qos_line(ax: plt.Axes, qos: float, text: str): ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ymid = (ymin + ymax) / 2 ax.axvline(qos) ax.annotate(text, (qos, ymid), rotation=90, verticalalignment="center") @staticmethod def _take_best_configs(configs: List[T], n: Optional[int] = None) -> List[T]: points = np.array([(c.qos, c.speedup) for c in configs]) taken_idx = is_pareto_efficient(points, take_n=n) return [configs[i] for i in taken_idx] def _test_configs_(self, configs: List[Config]): from tqdm import tqdm assert self.test_keep_threshold is not None if not configs: return [] total_error = 0 for cfg in tqdm(configs, leave=False): assert cfg.test_qos is None cfg.test_qos, _ =, True) msg_logger.debug(f"Test dataset: {cfg.qos:.3f} -> {cfg.test_qos:.3f}") total_error += abs(cfg.qos - cfg.test_qos) mean_err = total_error / len(configs) msg_logger.debug("QoS changed by %f on test dataset (mean abs diff)", mean_err) return [cfg for cfg in configs if cfg.test_qos > self.test_keep_threshold] def _get_tuner_interface( self, opentuner_args, max_iter: int, qos_tuner_threshold: float, qos_keep_threshold: Optional[float], is_threshold_relative: bool, app_kwargs: dict, ) -> "TunerInterface": # By default, keep_threshold == tuner_threshold keep_threshold = qos_keep_threshold or qos_tuner_threshold if is_threshold_relative: self.baseline_tune_qos, _ ={}, False) self.baseline_test_qos, _ ={}, True) # Now abs threshold qos_tuner_threshold = self.baseline_tune_qos - qos_tuner_threshold # These are also abs thresholds self.tune_keep_threshold = self.baseline_tune_qos - keep_threshold self.test_keep_threshold = self.baseline_test_qos - keep_threshold "Using relative thresholds: baseline QoS = %f (tune set) and %f (test set)", self.baseline_tune_qos, self.baseline_test_qos, ) else: self.tune_keep_threshold = self.test_keep_threshold = keep_threshold opentuner_args.test_limit = max_iter "Tuner QoS threshold: %f; keeping configurations with QoS >= %f (tune dataset)", qos_tuner_threshold, self.tune_keep_threshold, ) return TunerInterface( opentuner_args,, qos_tuner_threshold, self.tune_keep_threshold, max_iter, **app_kwargs, ) @classmethod def _get_config_class(cls) -> Type[Config]: return Config
def opentuner_default_args(): from opentuner import default_argparser args = default_argparser().parse_args([]) args.no_dups = True # Don't print duplicated config warnings return args class TunerInterface(MeasurementInterface): def __init__( self, args, app: ApproxApp, tuner_thres: float, keep_thres: float, test_limit: int, **app_kwargs, ): from opentuner.measurement.inputmanager import FixedInputManager from import ThresholdAccuracyMinimizeTime from tqdm import tqdm = app self.tune_thres = tuner_thres self.keep_thres = keep_thres self.pbar = tqdm(total=test_limit, leave=False) self.app_kwargs = app_kwargs _, self.baseline_cost = app.measure_qos_cost({}, False, **self.app_kwargs) msg_logger.debug(f"Baseline cost = {self.baseline_cost}") # tune_thres can come in as np.float64 and opentuner doesn't like that objective = ThresholdAccuracyMinimizeTime(float(tuner_thres)) input_manager = FixedInputManager(size=len( super(TunerInterface, self).__init__( args,, input_manager=input_manager, objective=objective, ) def set_progress_getter(self, getter: Callable[[], int]): self.progress_getter = getter def manipulator(self) -> ConfigurationManipulator: """Define the search space by creating a ConfigurationManipulator.""" manipulator = ConfigurationManipulator() for op, knobs in knob_names = [ for knob in knobs] manipulator.add_parameter(EnumParameter(op, knob_names)) return manipulator def run(self, desired_result, input_, limit): """Run a given configuration then return cost and QoS.""" from opentuner.resultsdb.models import Result cfg = qos, cost =, False, **self.app_kwargs) # We only want to measure cost in relative. # This `cost` is inverse of speedup because opentuner needs a lower-better value. cost /= self.baseline_cost # Print a debug message for each config in tuning and keep threshold self.print_debug_config(qos, cost) self.pbar.update(self.progress_getter() - self.pbar.n) return Result(time=cost, accuracy=qos) def save_final_config(self, config): self.pbar.close() def print_debug_config(self, qos: float, cost: float): gt_tune, gt_keep = qos > self.tune_thres, qos > self.keep_thres if not gt_tune and not gt_keep: return if gt_tune and not gt_keep: kind = "tuning" elif gt_keep and not gt_tune: kind = "keep" else: kind = "tuning and keep" msg_logger.debug( f"Found config within {kind} threshold: QoS = {qos}, " f"cost = {cost} ({1 / cost} speedup)" )